Wanderers: COVIDSafe Plan

Official club statement on returning to football

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the face of organised sports. The Wanderers committee has developed a COVIDSafe plan to define the club’s actions moving forward and enable our return to play.

All players and spectators are expected to follow club directives as laid out in our COVIDSafe plan, and directives from ACT Health on preventing the spread of germs. A successful outcome can be reached if we all work together.

Do not attend a game as a player or spectator if:

  • You are experiencing flu-like symptoms

  • You have recently travelled overseas / have come into contact with someone who has recently travelled overseas

  • You suspect you have COVID-19 / coronavirus

  • You have come into contact with a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 / coronavirus

Exercise good hygiene:

  • Wash or sanitise your hands regularly - stations are available at our fields

  • When sneezing or coughing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or cough/sneeze into your elbow. Wash or sanitise your hands.

  • Discard used tissues immediately into a bin, and wash or sanitise your hands.

  • Avoid close contact

  • Avoid touching your face

  • No handshakes, including before or after the match

  • No team huddles or high-fives

  • No multiplayer goal celebrations

  • No spitting

  • No sharing of equipment including drink bottles, towels, shin pads or bibs


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